The best development framework for your project will depend on your specific needs and goals.


A framework with a strong ecosystem will have many third-party libraries, tools, and resources available, which can make development faster and easier.


The framework you choose should be able to handle the performance needs of your project. This includes factors such as the size of the project, the amount of data being processed, and the number of concurrent users.


If you or your team are new to web development, you may want to choose a framework with a gentler learning curve. On the other hand, if you have more experience, you may be able to tackle a more complex framework.


A strong and active community of developers can be a valuable resource for support, knowledge, and inspiration. Consider the size and activity level of the community surrounding the framework you are considering.


Make sure that the framework you choose is compatible with the other technologies you are using or plan to use in your project.


Consider the long-term outlook for the framework. Is it well-maintained and supported by the developer community? Will it be able to meet the evolving needs of your project?

Explore how Skanderbeg can help you make an informed decision
that will set your project up for success.
Supporting Infrastructure
Cloud infrastructure allows developers to quickly set up and scale web and API development projects by providing a range of services such as virtual machines, container orchestration, serverless computing, storage, databases, and networking.

With cloud infrastructure, developers can focus on writing code and building their applications, while the cloud provider handles the underlying infrastructure. This can significantly speed up the development process, especially for projects that require a lot of resources or are expected to scale quickly. Additionally, cloud providers often offer a wide range of tools and integrations that can be leveraged to streamline development processes and accelerate the deployment of applications.

By using cloud infrastructure, developers can easily scale your project to meet the demands of users and rapidly iterate on ideas.
Native App vs. Mobile Web
Native mobile app development and traditional web app development are both valid options for creating mobile applications, and the right choice will depend on the specific needs and goals of your project…